Thursday, June 17, 2010


Yesterday I went to visit the university that my host sister graduated from in March. She graduated from the World Englishes Department so we dropped in to see one of her professors and maybe sit in on a class. The World Englishes Department had a very strict rule: English only. Score.

I met her professor from the Philippines again and she said we could join one of her classes (there were two people in the class). My host sister and I went and joined the class with two Japanese girls speaking who were really adorable... when you could understand their accent. We played one of those "It's the end of the world, you can save six people, but ten people want to be saved. Who should we save?" games and it was pretty fun. After that we ran into two of my host sisters friends and chatted with them for a while (Still in English!) until one of them had to prepare for a job interview.

We met two more of her professors (one from Massachusetts the other from... somewhere else) and asked if I could attend the high school associated with the university (Chukyo High School) because none of the Japanese public schools want me, and as of now I'm only going to school the last week that I'm here. I'm going to visit one of the high schools English classes (at the university) Tuesday, and we'll see what happens from there!


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